Friday, June 16, 2023 Even though insurance is well-known for being a confusing topic, homeowner’s insurance, in particular, can be quite tricky to figure out. There are many scenarios in which your home can get damaged and not be covered by your insurance. On top of that, coverage can vary from state to state, making it even more challenging to know what’s covered. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 There’s nothing worse than getting in an accident and the other vehicle fleeing the scene. A person commits a hit-and-run when they do the following: Damage property or injure someone and flees the scene. Fail to identify themselves to the other parties involved. Leave the accident. READ MORE >>
Monday, June 12, 2023 As the summer heats up, you can finally pull out our watercraft and hit the water! The perfect day isn’t complete with your jet ski—there is nothing like passing the time on the water with an adrenaline rush! However, it can pose a risk to your and other boaters’ safety. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 Living on the West Coast makes you no stranger to natural fires. California’s wildfire season typically occurs during the summer and lasts until the fall. However, some fires can manifest as early as May. These fires can be extremely damaging to the environment, not hesitating to swallow the properties around them. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, May 16, 2023 There’s nothing like owning a motorcycle. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or use your bike as your primary transportation, it’s a unique way to get around town. As you would with your car or truck, you must insure you and your bike. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 As the weather heats up, you, your friends, and your family might want to explore new places. When you’re away from home, you can’t help but think about the state of your house and if everything is okay. Home insurance protects your home from unforeseen incidents, theft, natural disasters, and vandalism. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 5, 2023 Shopping for a new vehicle can seem like a dream come true. You’ve imagined yourself signing the papers and riding away blissfully. Although picking out your car's additional accessories and decorative elements is exciting, it’s also best to consider your car’s insurance costs. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 When purchasing homeowners or a condo insurance policy, you may see an option to add dwelling insurance to your coverage, but what is it? Dwelling insurance covers your home’s installed fixtures, permanent appliances, and your entire home’s structure. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 13, 2023 If your home is damaged in a storm or your car was totaled in an accident, you turn to your insurance company to sort out the financial obligations. Filing a claim in these circumstances is expected; when is it appropriate to pay out of pocket? Knowing when to file an insurance claim and when to pay out of pocket can be tricky. READ MORE >>
Friday, April 7, 2023 Earthquakes are mysterious natural phenomena that result from Earth’s tectonic plates shifting. They’re sudden, rapid, and sometimes fatal. They cause cities to shake and can sometimes lead to fires, landslides, avalanches, and tsunamis. California is notorious for “random” earthquakes. READ MORE >>
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