Distracted driving, defined as any non-driving activity that a driver focuses on while behind the wheel, is one of the most common causes of severe traffic accidents in the United States. You can avoid many car accidents by eliminating distractions and focusing on the road ahead and the drivers around you.
New and experienced drivers must understand the risks and dangers of distracted driving to ensure safety on the roads. Keep reading to learn the five most common distractions while driving and what you can do to limit these interruptions.
Daydreaming While Driving
Sometimes it’s hard to turn off the daydreaming or distracting thoughts while driving. Most drivers in car accidents report that they were lost in thought while driving. Anything from a fight with your significant other, lack of sleep, or being excited about your next vacation can cause distractions when heading to your destination.
You must stay focused on driving safely and stop yourself from drifting into cognitive distractions when you're driving.
Using an Electronic Device
Everyone knows that texting while driving causes many fatal car accidents, especially among teen drivers. Numerous states have taken a stand, making it illegal to use hand-held devices while driving and only allowing hands-free Bluetooth options.
Looking away from the road for a few seconds can lead to serious car accidents. Limit those distractions by putting your phone on drive mode, turning off your notifications, and using a Bluetooth option with voice commands to respond to urgent messages.
Talking to Your Passengers
Driving with your friends or family may be fun, but it can be distracting and lead to accidents. Laughing, talking, and joking with your passengers can divert your attention and take your mind and eyes off the road. When you're driving, ask your passengers to keep the joking and conversations at a minimum to help you not get distracted.
Grooming and Applying Makeup
Wherever we go, we always want to look our best. However, applying makeup or grooming yourself while driving is not a good idea. Wait until you park your vehicle to brush your hair or reapply your blush.
Paying Too Much Attention to Outside Events
Turning your attention from driving to look at an accident you're passing by or "rubbernecking" is extremely dangerous. Many drivers will slow down or stop to observe the same accident, so if you turn your head, the driver in front of you could abruptly stop before you have a chance to react.
The best way to lessen your chances of getting into a car accident is by limiting your distractions. The five common driving distractions above can cause serious accidents. Accidents can also occur from eating behind the wheel, adjusting car settings, smoking, and more.
You can’t control the other cars around you, so drive carefully and safely. If you live in a higher accident area like Long Beach, California, and need low-cost auto insurance, contact us at Saferoad Insurance Services!