How close are you to financial ruin? Many people are one disaster away from losing everything. A serious health condition or damage to a home isn’t easy to pay for. There are five types of insurance that everyone should have, and they exist for a reason. Find out why you need them.
Life Insurance
Life insurance is especially important if you have dependents. For most people, it’s cheapest to obtain when you’re young since health declines as you age. You’ll have the choice between term and permanent life insurance coverage.
Homeowner’s or Renter’s Insurance
To protect your home, you’ll need the right type of insurance. Some landlords require renter’s insurance, since their insurance doesn’t cover you if the building is damaged. It’s important to obtain it as soon as you sign a lease or mortgage. Homeowner’s insurance protects you financially if someone gets hurt on your property—including you. It also covers you if there’s damage to your home due to vandalism, theft, or inclement weather.
Auto Insurance
Anyone with a car needs auto insurance. The minimum coverage you must obtain is a liability policy, but most people also have comprehensive coverage and collision insurance. You should get car insurance as soon as you buy a car and add any additional vehicles you own to the policy.
Health Insurance
Health insurance is one of the most important types of insurance to have, no matter your age or situation. Medical expenses can cost a fortune and they add up quickly. Health insurance is designed to curve the burden of expensive and necessary treatments.
Disability Insurance
While you may not think you’ll become disabled, many people experience a temporary inability to perform their jobs at some point. Invest in short and long-term disability insurance to protect yourself financially. If you can’t perform the duties of your job, you can take disability to protect your income.
These types of insurance are meant to protect your future. Though expensive up front, they save you money in the long run. Work with an insurance agency in California that understands your specific needs. Contact Saferoad Insurance and talk to our experienced agents about the best policies for you and your family.