You may think you know exactly what you need when shopping for car insurance, but don’t let that confidence turn into hubris! Don’t pick up the first policy you see. Shop around a little bit and be sure to ask your potential insurance carrier plenty of questions. Keep these different types of questions to ask when insuring your car at the forefront of your mind.
1. “How many drivers does this policy cover?”
If you’re a single person with your own car, you may only need one driver on your policy—unless you lend your car to friends. And if you’re insuring a family car, you’ll need to ensure that your partner and any kids of driving age will be insured to drive it.
2. “Will my job affect my insurance?”
If you use your car for work-related purposes (like driving rideshares or delivering pizzas), talk to your insurer about commercial auto insurance. A personal auto policy won’t be enough if you’re using your car for work. If you need additional coverage because of your job, shop for affordable auto coverage in Los Angeles, CA, and ask Saferoad Insurance about bundling your policies.
3. “What’s my legal obligation?”
The state of California dictates the minimum coverage required of you. At the very least, you will need:
- Bodily injury liability coverage ($15,000 per person/$30,000 per accident minimum)
- Uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage ($15,000 per person/$30,000 per accident)
- Property damage liability coverage ($5,000 minimum)
Californians take pride in their cars. Take pride in yours and cover it on all sides.
4. “What factors will cause my premium to go up?”
When you look at the initial cost of your premium, ask about factors that can increase it—and how much they’ll increase it. Saferoad Insurance is dedicated to providing affordable auto insurance to drivers with unique histories, from piles of speeding tickets to DUIs.
Your driving history isn’t the only factor in calculating insurance premiums, though. If you drive a luxury car, you’ll automatically pay more on your premium than somebody driving an old beater car. In addition, if you live in an area with a high crime rate, your premium will be higher in anticipation of unfortunate outcomes.
As you shop around for auto insurance, know what is required of you and ask plenty of follow-up questions. These different types of questions to ask when insuring your car will give you a good idea of what your monthly premium will look like.