A hit and run occurs when a person causes an accident and flees the scene. When this occurs, individuals who suffer damage may not know what to do. You are angry. You call the police. But, what happens to the damage to your vehicle?
Hit and run accidents are not uncommon. When you call your auto insurance provider, he or she will work closely with you to find the best solution. Different types of coverage may apply.
Your First Steps
When a hit and run occurs, or you notice damage to your vehicle caused by another person, call the police. Even if the police cannot find the other party, they can document the incident. This will be important later.
A hit and run may include a vehicle that hits you and then speeds off. It can also include instances where your car suffers damage from someone who does not stay to report it. A good example is damage in a parking lot. Again, in both cases, call the police to get documentation.
Gather Evidence
Whenever possible, gather as much evidence about the situation as possible. This may include speaking to area businesses with a camera. It includes allowing the police to track down a suspect. Describe the color, make and model number of the vehicle if possible. See if there are witnesses around that can help. Don’t leave the scene of the incident yourself. You will want to document the date and time.
Call Your Auto Insurance Provider
After filing a police report, contact your car insurance provider. Most of the time, your uninsured motorist coverage will help you. This includes uninsured motorist bodily injury damage. This component covers any medical expenses you may suffer. If your vehicle has damage, the uninsured motorist property damage may apply.
Many states require drivers to maintain this type of auto insurance. If your state does not, consider purchasing it. It can help you to cover these types of damages.
Keep in mind that you should not wait to file a claim. Call your car insurance agent as soon as possible. They will verify the type of auto insurance you have. They will then help you to get quotes for the repairs. Most of the time, they will cover the damage after you pay the deductible. The police may come back with information later. At that time, the insurer will determine if legal action is necessary.