Driving to Mexico as opposed to taking a plane or boat can be much more freeing. You can travel around with less restrictions, spend time in certain areas for as long as you want, and basically don’t have to operate on someone else’s time schedule or drain your wallet paying for rides.
Driving to Mexico also comes with its downsides, however. First, you’ll need a TIP—or a temporary import permit for your vehicle. This is relatively inexpensive. You will also need Mexico auto insurance.
Mexico does not accept American auto insurance as valid. The country does require all drivers to carry auto insurance, however. It simply has to be specifically Mexico auto insurance. Some American auto insurance providers offer Mexico auto insurance riders to your personal auto insurance policy for when you travel to Mexico. This coverage can be limited, however, so be sure to carefully go over your auto insurance policy to understand what limits you may face while travelling in Mexico.
Mexico Auto Insurance Requirements
In the majority of the country, drivers must carry a minimum of $300,000 in liability insurance in order to drive legally on Mexican roadways. Beyond the U.S.-Mexico border is something called a hassle-free zone. If you stay within this 20-26 kilometer area, you will not need a TIP, but you still need Mexico auto insurance.
What Does Mexico Auto Insurance Cover?
Mexico auto insurance offers many of the same coverages as American auto insurance policies. Although liability is the only legal requirement, it’s risky to drive into Mexico without extra insurance, as your American policy may not cover damages to your vehicle. Aside from bodily injury and property damage liability, it’s recommended that you also carry:
Physical Coverage: This encompasses comprehensive and collision coverage and is only available if these coverages are already on your American auto insurance policy. If you don’t have comprehensive and collision coverage normally, you likely won’t be able to add it to your Mexico auto insurance policy. This coverage provides compensation for loss or damages to the vehicle due to fire, lightning, hail, wind, falling objects, theft, vandalism and collision.
Uninsured/underinsured Motorist Coverage: This coverage compensates for damages or loss of the vehicle due to an accident with a driver not carrying insurance.
Roadside Assistance: Roadside assistance can help with expenses and services related to trip interruptions such as flat tires.
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